La Ramoneta donation for Petit Cœur de Beurre

My love for the beautiful region where I live in the South of France made me decide to start a blog. And now I've been sharing my best findings on what to do and see in the region since 2017! At, you will find just under 500 posts that will lead you to hidden gems and spots not to miss. This information is completely free. And will remain so. However, as it is the end of the year and many of you are donating to a good cause, I would appreciate a voluntary donation to a French association I support: Petit Cœur de Beurre. And here it gets personal...


The name of my blog- La Ramoneta- is inspired by my beautiful daughter. As she was so chatty when she was little, our local shop lady called her 'une Ramoneta', meaning a curious little girl in the Occitan language. In 2008, my daughter was born with a congenital heart defect, and the French doctors have taken such good care of her since her birth (and before). Therefore, I support this association which raises money for children born with heart problems.

Petit Cœur de Beurre

This association is called 'Petit Cœur de Beurre', and was founded in 2014 by Gaëlle and Jean-Charles, as parents whose own son was born with a heart defect. Since then, they have been doing a great job raising money to support patients and their families, hospital facilities, medical research, and raising awareness of congenital heart disease. Did you know that in France, one child in 100 children is born with congenital heart disease? And Petit Cœur de Beurre's primary mission is to help improve the quality of life of these patients.


My daughter is doing fantastically, by the way, and she has grown into a gorgeous teenager full of energy. Hence, my request to donate to Petit Cœur de Beurre. By following this link, you can contribute as much as you like, anonymously, and only if you feel like it. No obligations! My blog will still be free. But since I'm reaching more and more people, it made me dream… How cool would it be if my readers (an average of 11,500 every month) supported this association?! I hope that my blog can participate in making the lives of some little heart patients better and that you will let your heart speak. It would mean the world to me, and of course, every donation is highly appreciated. Are you in?

To donate, you only have to add the amount on the right side under 'Fais un don'. This amount can be deducted from your French taxes (for a donation of 10 euros, you only pay 3.40 euros, for example). Then click on the pink 'donner' button. If you want to donate anonymously, please tick the two boxes before 'Je souhaite cacher le montant de mon don' (so the amount won't be visible) and/or 'Je souhaite cacher mon nom' (so your name won't be visible). Finally, hit 'valider et payer' to pay for your donation. Merci mille fois!

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35,00 €
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Je fais un don

La cause soutenue

Petit Cœur de Beurre est une association qui soutient les personnes nées avec une cardiopathie congénitale. Cela concerne un enfant 1 enfant sur 100 ! Les missions de l’association sont : · Le soutien aux personnes nées avec une cardiopathie congénitale, et leurs familles. Notre réseau de 70 correspondants bénévoles, répartis sur tout le territoire français, intervient dans les centres de cardiopédiatrie et de chirurgie cardiopédiatrique, pour apporter une aide morale et logistique pendant l’hospitalisation des enfants. · Le soutien aux structures hospitalières, avec par exemple le financement de matériel de puériculture, de fauteuils-lit accompagnant, ou de rénovation de salle des parents. Ces actions ont pour objectif d’améliorer la qualité de vie des patients et des aidants pendant l’hospitalisation, aider les soignants et diminuer le stress occasionné par cette expérience. · Le soutien à la recherche médicale, avec un don annuel pour le financement de projets de recherche. · L’éducation thérapeutique, parce que l’on comprend mieux l’importance de se faire suivre toute la vie quand on est acteur de sa santé. A titre d’exemple, nous proposons des livrets pédagogiques à destination des enfants pour expliquer les malformations cardiaques ou l’hospitalisation. Petit Cœur de Beurre envisage la vie avec positivisme même si c’est parfois compliqué. Parce que l’on est plus fort quand on est nombreux, l’association mise sur l’entraide, le partage et l’écoute. Au rythme de la vie…

Objectifs de Développement Durable soutenus:

Les cagnottes solidaires


Qui sommes-nous?